Monday, November 30, 2009

Batik Cake (Kek Batik)

1 package (350g) marie biscuit
1/2 bar of butter (use buttercup or farmcow)
2 eggs
1 cup cocoa powder
1/2 cup milo
1 cup water
3/4 cup fine sugar
** milo and cocoa poweder will depends on your taste. If you want more cocoa flavour, use 1 cup cocoa + 1/2 cup milo. If you want mild flavour, use 1 cup milo + 1/2 cup cocoa

break the biscuit
In a pot, add cocoa, milo, water and sugar. with slow heat, stir the ingredients until blend.

Add butter and stir until melt.

Lower the fire, add in the eggs and stir until thicken (about 30 sec). Off the fire and put in the biscuit. Mix until all the biscuit blend in with the chocolate. (If you want more biscuit, you can reduce the chocolate)

Put the mixer in a container. Press until even and pack. Refrigerator it for 3-5 hours until its harden.



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